Beauty, Hair
Scrunchy for hair - simple and convenient accessories
There are no minor details in the female image. Makeup, clothes, shoes and hair - everything should be perfect. Hairdressers-stylists of the whole world are working to make girls happy with new accessories for making stylings. However, there are those who live in makeup beauticians for a long time and are not going to surrender their positions. Let's talk today about the indispensable and extremely necessary hair bands.
How to choose a rubber band?
If it seems to you that the main criterion is the beauty of the fixative for the hair, then you are mistaken. Undoubtedly, the elastic band should be suitable for your color pattern and the chosen image, but do not forget about its convenience and safety. So, what hair gum can I use everyday, and which ones should I not buy at all?
- Stationery rubber bands. They are absolutely not suitable for creating hairstyles, although not so long ago hairdressers used them everywhere. Removing such a fixer from the hair, you are virtually guaranteed to lose several strands.
- If you need to create a complex evening styling, then use silicone hair bands. They can be found in the shops of professional hairdressing supplies. They are easy to put on and take off, and also secure the locks securely.
- Any rubber bands with metal clips are strictly contra-indicated for use. They injure the hair, and can lead to the problem of split ends.
- Tough gum, of course, will not allow the hairdress to disintegrate. However, they can also damage the hair follicles and cause a headache.
- For everyday wear it is better to choose not too tight options with a smooth and soft surface.
- Also today are popular rubber bands for hair with clips. Fasten one hook under the string, wrap the elastic several times and secure the second hook. Such an accessory is perfectly held on the hair, and also very easy to remove.
Hairstyles with hair band
Erasers can be used both in everyday images and for creating complex folds. Consider the most popular hairstyles, which even a non-professional can do.
Tail. Very convenient styling, which is suitable for any situation. The classic ponytail is fixed with an elastic band on the back of the head. The elastic band itself can be covered with a string of hair. In this image, a lot of stars appear on the red carpet.
A low tail can be upgraded with a pair of movements. Divide the hair over the gum into two parts and thread the tail several times. You will get an elegant and romantic image.
Having gathered hair on the vertex, you can visually extend the neck and make the facial features more elegant. For those who have a low forehead, we recommend that you create a small head in front. To give a hairstyle a refined look will help an elastic band with a flower decoration with shiny stones. However, it is not worthwhile to acquire a similar retainer, in which the decorative elements are fastened on metal fasteners.
A bunch. This variant of laying is suitable for owners of long hair. Firstly, use an elastic band to collect the hair in the tail. Then tighten the tourniquet and wrap it around the gum. You can fix hair with hairpins. A minor detail in the form of a flower or a beautiful ribbon will transform everyday hairstyle into an evening hairstyle.
Weaving. When creating hairpieces on the basis of braids, hair bands are essential for you. At first glance, such stacking seems very complicated, but with a certain skill it is possible to learn how to create masterpieces. Unbelievably popular today are the French braids, which are created by gradually weaving individual strands across the head into the main braid.
Hair elastic band - fashion accessory
For several seasons in a row hairstyles with a rim top the rating of the most stylish and sought-after stylings. First, using such a fixator, any girl can create an evening or business image in a matter of minutes. Secondly, these hairstyles are absolutely for everyone. Here are a few ideas with a rubber band-rim.
- To make a hairdress for one second is possible. Just put the bezel on your hair and your styling is finished. Depending on the location of the rubber band, you can create different images. Long flowing hair and a rim in the middle of the forehead is great for a hippy style. By placing it above, you become a romantic princess.
- The bundle, about which we spoke above, in combination with the rim will help create an evening image.
- The most popular option is the Greek hairstyle. Place the rubber band over the hair. If necessary, you can fix it with invisible ones. Now, with the strand behind the strand, wrap the hair around the gum. The hairstyle will take 5-10 minutes, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.
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