
Preparation "Timpanol": instructions for use for animals

Every farmer had to deal with the situation, at least once in his life, when cattle sharply inflate, chewing gum is lost, belching disappears, and the stomach stops working properly. That is why it is so important to regularly monitor the quality of feed. In case of a disease, it is necessary to start treatment urgently, in order to avoid deplorable consequences.

In this situation, many livestock producers benefit from "Timpanol" - a complex drug that helps to reduce the number of gases and reduce bloating, and also to start the stomach and resume chewing gum.


"Timpanol" instructions for use describes as a tool that is effectively used in acute scarring of cattle, sheep and goats. For this disease, rapidly developing gas formation and swelling of the scar are characteristic. The reason for this state lies in eating a large amount of lightly-forged feed, spoiled or moldy silage and hay. The acute course of the disease is dangerous because it can lead to a lethal outcome for an animal if it does not provide emergency assistance. In addition to treating scar tissue, veterinarians prescribe "Timpanol" for acute meteorism in horses, rabbits and chinchillas.


With the introduction of the drug "Timpanol", whose price is very democratic - only about 50 rubles per 200 ml - helps prevent gas formation, contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles formed in the food masses, has antiseptic and ruminatory effects.

"Timpanol" instructions for use are positioned as a drug that enhances the secretion and peristalsis of the digestive organs. In addition, this drug reduces the tone of sphincters of predniegens, so that food quickly moves through the intestines.


What does "Timpanol" consist of? Instructions for use indicate the following components: tincture of wormwood and chewing, lactic acid, polyvinyl alcohol and silicone antifoam. Such a wide range of therapeutic components allows to achieve high efficiency from taking the medicine. Due to the natural composition of "Timpanola" side effects are practically minimized. The preparation is made in the form of a homogeneous emulsion of gray or yellow-green color. The sediment formed during storage is considered the norm and disappears when the vial is shaken.


Treatment with "Timpanol" should be carried out immediately after the manifestation of the first symptoms of the disease. The drug is used in a diluted form, so it is first mixed with water in proportions of 1:10 or 1:15. The resulting solution must be shaken to a uniform state.

In order to treat cattle, "Timpanol" is injected directly into the cavity of the rumen, using a rubber bottle or food probe. To horses a medical substance is given through a nasopharyngeal probe. It is often necessary to use the trocar, when the medication comes through a puncture in the abdominal wall of the animal.

The effect of taking, as a rule, manifests itself after 20 minutes. If the treatment does not give a positive result and the symptoms do not disappear in the near future, the use of the medication is repeated. "Tympanol" dose of admission is different. So, to horses and cows the preparation is given in an amount of 0.4-0.5 ml for every 10 kg of live weight. The dosage for sheep and goats is 0.5-1 ml.

What contraindications does Timpanol have? Instruction for use informs that accepted in the recommended doses of the drug is not fraught with complications and side effects. However, in rare cases, due to hypersensitivity to the components, allergic reactions may occur. Combine the drug with other medicines is not prohibited.

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