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Park Pobedy, Ulyanovsk: address, mode of operation, attractions

Park of Victory (Ulyanovsk) citizens consider that place where it is possible to have a rest all family, to spend time with the company of friends. Its park, which is associated with a tribute to those Soviet people who gave their lives on the battlefields of fascist Germany, is in every city of our country. Do not stay away and Ulyanovsk. In honor of the anniversary of the victory over the fascists, a special Victory Park was created here, which became an amazing corner of the memory of those who died for the city's residents.


Where is Victory Park (Ulyanovsk)? How to get to this amazing place in its beauty? There is a park at the address: Ulyanovsk, ul. Youth, 2. Working time - daily from 8-00 to 22-00. In order to get here, you can use trams number 1 or 4, route taxis 91, 96, 82, 4, 55. You need to go to the stop "Repin Street". In addition to public transport, this unique town can be reached by car.

Pages of History

Victory Park (Ulyanovsk) was opened in 1962. At the entrance to it, a tank was installed, which once participated in real combat operations. In the park itself is a playground with a full-fledged exhibition of military tanks.

Here at any time there is a large number of children who present themselves as real military superiors. The availability and openness of the exhibition allows children to receive full information about the features of weapons of the Second World War.

Attractions of the park

Victory Park (Ulyanovsk) has an old Ferris wheel. Despite the fact that it has broken a lot of booths, it still functions. But not everyone is able to take a chance and ride on this rarity attraction.

Since the days of the Soviet Union, there has been a service like winter ski rental. There is a popular skiing track in the city.

Children attractions

What is the difference between Victory Park (Ulyanovsk)? Attractions offered here for children, suitable for kids and teens. Trains with an unusual route, boats are suitable for the youngest children.

More adult schoolchildren will like the roller coaster in the Russian way. From the novelties, we will select "Hip-hop", where two can swing on a small rocking chair, twist the sun in different directions, turn overhead. In summer, young mothers with strollers walk along the paths of the park.

Dinosaurs are coming

Recently, the Victory Park (Ulyanovsk) was renovated. Dinosaurs made a new life in it. They are located on the paths of the park, they look quite realistic, they bring children into full rapture. That part of the park where these residents settled, runs from 10 to 20 hours Monday to Thursday, and from Friday to Sunday, visitors are expected to 21 hours. How much is a ticket to this lost world? Park Pobedy (Ulyanovsk) offers free entrance for children under three years old. The adult ticket costs 200 rubles, the children's fare is 100 rubles. Why do babies like to visit the Victory Park (Ulyanovsk)? Dinosaurs, which are huge in size, like a magnet attract babies here. They dream to touch these terrible and huge monsters, they want to be photographed with them.

Avenue of Heroes

It is located to the right of the central entrance. It appeared here only in 1985. On the trees there are special bird feeders. There are also exhibits, which are devoted to the workers of the rear. The monument to the "Soldier of the labor front", represented by a boy, who at the machine tool is making shells for the army.

What is unique about Victory Park (Ulyanovsk)? In it there is a huge amount of squirrels, boldly jumping from tree to tree, delivering true joy to children.

In the depths of the park there is a branch of the rope park "Adrenaline". In this territory there are tracks of various degrees of complexity, including children's variants.

Undoubtedly, its owners pay special attention to the safety of customers. Prior to the beginning of the obstacle course, an introductory briefing is mandatory, special equipment is used.

Entrance to the territory of the rope park is prohibited to people who are drunk. Organizers closely follow the visitors, the implementation of their rules of conduct. Here you can not only test your strength, but also have fun free time.

In the city there is a huge number of places for recreation, but among them stands out the Victory Park (Ulyanovsk). The mode of operation is convenient for visitors. There is a park in the northern part of Ulyanovsk, it adjoins the forest. The area of the park is 47.6 hectares. The administrative building is on the left at the entrance.

Not far from the entrance guests are greeted by ponies and horses, if you want you can ride them. Slot machines, a playground, a sports complex are made not only for children, but also for adults. There is also a unique exhibition of weapons, located in the open air. The Central Alley has a picturesque view. The average cost of rides is quite acceptable for the middle class.

Guest Reviews

Thousands of citizens, domestic and foreign tourists have visited the Victory Park. They leave positive feedback about those attractions that work here. Of particular interest to visitors is the exhibition of machinery, as well as unique natural landscapes. This is where young families try, so that the kids can ride on carousels or ponies, look at the dinosaurs. Especially a lot of people are going here on weekends. People tend to retire with nature, enjoy it, relax after a difficult week of work. The park was conceived by its creators not only as a tribute to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, the fallen brave deaths in the fields of those terrible events, but also as a token of gratitude to those who forged their victory at the cost of their lives.


This park can be called a real place for adventure and an amazing holiday. Children here can not simply come in contact with the historical past of the city, the country, but also develop their dexterity, ingenuity.

When the obstacle course passes, a competitive spirit develops, and it becomes possible to assess its physical capabilities. There is also a special circuit in the park for children up to twelve years old. 15 moving figures of dinosaurs, made in full size, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Many critics compare the rope attractions that work in the Ulyanovsk recreation area, with the Moscow Panda Park. The territory on which Victory Park is located is a specially protected natural area.

It is located on the watershed of the Volga slope, from which a unique view opens. The park is a traditional place for holding various festivals, celebrations, concerts for residents of Ulyanovsk and the region. In the summer, artists perform at outdoor venues, pleasing citizens and visitors of the city with their bright and colorful performances.

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