Arts & Entertainment, Art
How to draw a kiss beautifully?
Drawing is an exciting and positive activity. Even adults sometimes take up brushes, paints or pencils, what to say about children and adolescents. And for many of us, such lessons are beneficial not only from the point of view of utilitarian drawing. Art therapy is a powerful psychological remedy for depression. And to make life more interesting, and also to express our love, let's learn together how to draw a kiss.
As you know, in this action are always two. And this means that in our image, first of all, the silhouettes of both kissers should appear. We will be drawing them in a technique reminiscent of Japanese animated cartoons. What do you need to prepare before you stage a kiss? A sheet of white paper, as well as a pencil in the presentation do not need. Also it is necessary to be reserved by an eraser, and also color markers, felt-tip pens or handles to paint the received result. However, he will look very worthy in the black and white version.
First step
So, how to draw a kiss? The first thing we do is to draw two identical circles, just slightly overlapping each other. One of them can be located slightly higher than the other - then one of the resulting people will be taller. These circles will be the basis of two persons, or rather - the foreheads of our kissing. From the lower parts of the resulting figures draw two triangles with a common side. Do not take the ruler and achieve geometric accuracy - this is just a sketch, and human faces are not exact repetitions of these figures.
Now you need to put an approximate markup of facial features. Remember that most of the depicted circles will be on the foreheads and skull contours. Therefore, in this part of the figures obtained, only the level of the eyes and eyebrows in the lower sector of each circle is noted. And now in the triangle we put labels for the level of the nose and lips. The easiest way to do this is by using conditional curved lines. On each of their faces there will be five: four horizontal for the eyes, eyebrows, mouth and tip of the nose, and also one vertical - for the designation of the ears.
Second phase
We begin drawing ... And first of all we take a pencil in hands and begin to draw a forehead line - it will be common for both people to be represented on the stretch from the line of hair growth to the bridge of the nose. You can also draw eyebrows, shape their bend.
The kiss is usually done with a closed mouth, and therefore stretching the smile line will not be very natural. To represent the lips, you can use a schematic technique - just below the line of the nose, vertically from top to bottom we draw a short curve of a broken line, which will have two bends - the conditional upper lip of one person and the conditional lower lip of the second. Next we approach the lowest part of our "heart" - the chins of kissing. Draw them with a single line, and then divide and then outline, smoothly translating into the neck. At this the most difficult stage is already over. You can slightly clean the drawing from the thin lines of the outline and move on to the next stage
Final touches
We figured out how to draw a kiss, then what to do next? Of course, add characters to the characters.
Now you know how to draw a kiss. With your skills you can share with your friends and family.
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