
How Hitler died: alternative versions

How did Hitler die? It would seem that everything has long been clear - according to the official version, it happened on April 30, 1945 in an underground bunker on the territory of Berlin. There they discovered the bodies of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, his new wife. This version was confirmed by many people from the dictator's inner circle, as well as by specialists who identified and investigated corpses. But is it really so? There are several versions, according to which the true answer to the question of how Hitler died, sounds quite different. Already interested?

The "South American" version

The Argentine documentary historian and writer Abel Basti, who published his book "Hitler in Argentina" in 2006, was the first to say that suicide and the further burning of the corpses of Hitler and Brown were falsified. After conducting a global study of the fate of the dictator, Basti came to the conclusion that from besieged Berlin Adolf Hitler, along with his wife and closest associates fled to South America. According to the scientist, there the leader of the Third Reich died at the age of 75 in 1964.

This version has several confirmations at once. Firstly, according to Hans Bauer, a German aviation engineer, on April 30 at 4:30 pm (one hour after the proclaimed suicide), he saw a light-gray Hitler suit in the center of Berlin, near the Junkers-52 aircraft. Other documents say that on April 25 in the bunker there was a secret meeting on the evacuation of Hitler. The plan was named "Operation Seral", and Hans-Ulrich Rudel (pilot-as), "pilotess" Hanna Raich and personal pilot of Hitler participated in its development. 5 days before that, a list of passengers departing for Berlin from Berlin, including Adolf Hitler's wife , himself and the nearest Führer's entourage, was approved. What is remarkable, the names of Goebbels and his family from the list were crossed out.

According to this version, at the end of summer the Führer and his retinue arrived to the Argentine coast on submarines, which were immediately flooded for the purpose of secrecy. This fact is confirmed by the fact that near the shore (at a depth of about 30 m) large objects buried also on the bottom, also visible from outer space, were discovered. The archives are still stored testimony of witnesses who told of the arrival in the bay of Caleta de los Loros in the summer of 45 3 submarines with a swastika.

Still to the south?

Another alternative version of how Hitler died, says that the Fuhrer went not to Argentina, but to a secret shelter in Antarctica. What is in favor of this opinion?

Already in 1948 on Stalin's table were intercepted intelligence of the States, saying that Hitler was alive and residing in the New Swabeland, erected by the Nazis in Antarctica at the beginning of the war. Why was it not discovered earlier? Against the backdrop of the Great Depression in America and the massive repression in the USSR, intelligence capabilities deteriorated, which means that global construction work and regular shipments to the white continent could go unnoticed.

The secret archives of the SS contain information about the system of caves with warm air existing on the shores of the southern continent. 13 American ships under the command of Richard Byrd, the then famous Rear Admiral, exploring the coast of Antarctica in January 1947, encountered unusual disk-shaped aircraft marked by Nazi symbols.

Adherents of this version are inclined to the opinion that the Führer died in 1971 (and according to some information - in 1982).

How did Hitler really die? History keeps a lot of secrets, but that's what makes it so interesting. And what do you think about this?

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