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Addresses of "McAvto" in Moscow: automotive fast food

Thanks to the service "MakAvto", which offers fast food restaurant "McDonald's", every motorist can order himself an appetizing burger without leaving the car. In the capital of the Russian Federation, as in other large cities, there is also "MakAvto." In this article you will learn the addresses of "MakAvto" in Moscow, as well as interesting information about "fast food driving."

The history of "McDonald's"

Fast food restaurant "McDonald's" was founded in 1940 in the town of San Bernandino, which is in the state of California. It is worth noting that the first restaurant has survived and still accepts people who want to eat delicious. Also, if you find yourself there, visit the McDonald's Museum, which presents the layout of the restaurant, the first equipment for cooking and the clothes of employees. Even old photos are preserved.

At the very beginning of the work, McDonald's offered a barbecue. But since 1948 the McDonald brothers have introduced hamburgers, which were cheap - only 15 cents. If you pay a "penny", then along with the sandwich you will get a glass of juice. Motorists of America love this place, preferring to take hamburgers with them and enjoy them on the road.

Soon the founders of the cafe realized that the barbecue now irrelevant, so it was decided to abandon them. Refused also from the waiters. Now the hamburgers were prepared on the principle of a conveyor belt, and the workers serviced the visitors at the counter. In the same place orders were issued.

After a while, the first "McDonald's" appeared in Canada. In Russia, the restaurant appeared in 1990. For Soviet citizens, the opening was a great holiday: people stood in line for an hour. On that day, a record was set - thirty thousand visitors in one day!

How did the "MacAuto" come about?

For the first time, McAvto appeared in the city of Sierra Vista, Arizona, in 1975. Such a system of service allowed to increase the profit of the McDonald's restaurant by one and a half times. Of course, because of the speed of service, car fast food has been gaining momentum every year.

In Russia, "McAvto" appeared in the 90's. For the post-Soviet society, the opening of such a fast food cafe was an innovation. Nobody thought that in Russia every motorist can taste an American burger in a domestic car.

At the moment, there is a conversion program "MakAvto". In many cities, when ordering, three windows work instead of two. In the near future, it is planned to launch an application for smartphones, with which you can order food while being at the other end of the city. It's convenient, customers have to even get up off the couch and go out. There are such restaurants "McDonald's" in Moscow!

What is "MakAvto"?

"McDonald's McAvto" is specifically designed for car drivers. It is known that many people are always in a hurry, so there is no time for breakfast including eggs and sausage. "MakAvto" allows people to have breakfast or lunch without leaving the car. Do not even have to stand in the long queue at the ticket office and look for a place in the crowded hall. Ordering food in the "McAvto", you are freed from one problem inherent in any fast food restaurant - from noise. As you know, it reduces appetite, so many doctors recommend eating in silence.

Pleases and a variety of menus in "MakAvto"! There is a hamburger "Big Tasty" during a long journey, sitting in the passenger seat - road romance! It is these impenetrable emotions that McAvto offers to its customers. Fortunately, if you know the addresses of "McAvto" in Moscow, which will be presented below, you can eat a burger at any time.

How does "MakAvto" work?

Make an order in "MakAvto" easy! The speaker with which the McDonald's employee communicates with the client is turned on when the car approaches. In front of the visitor's car there is a menu "McAvto", according to which he chooses a dish. After that, he must go to the window to pay the order. As the food will be cooked, you need to go to the second window, where the customer receives the prepared dish in a paper bag. Also, the visitor can order drinks provided in the menu: coffee, tea, juice, mineral water.

"McAvto" in Moscow

To find out the burger without leaving the car, you can and in the McDonald's restaurant in Moscow. Fortunately, there are many such places. Let's list some addresses of "MakAvto" in Moscow:

  • Leskov Street, 1;
  • Street Butyrskaya, 77;
  • Volokolamskoe highway, 90/2;
  • Marshala Katukova Street, 19;
  • Warsaw Highway 143;
  • 15 Khabarovskaya Street;
  • Schelkovskoe shosse, 2/1;
  • Lublinskaya street, 165;
  • Green Street, 5;
  • Ryazan Avenue, 32.

The operating mode of "MakAvto" is round the clock, so you can have a snack with French fries or burger even at night! If during the party you had such a desire, then find the nearest addresses of "MakAvto" in Moscow and go there for delicious!


"McDonald's" - the first restaurant that created the original concept of service. As it was written above, the waiters do not work here, but the visitors order themselves, behind the counter. Cooks also prepare food in conveyor mode. We list the important points that need to be known:

  • "McDonald's" was founded in the middle of the twentieth century. Surprisingly, the fast food network is relevant to this day.
  • "MakAvto" allows you to order food directly from the car. It's convenient and easy!
  • In the article the addresses of "McAvato" in Moscow were presented. You can familiarize with them above.
  • The main doktoinstvom "MakAvto" is that you can visit it at any time of the day: late at night and early morning!
  • Thanks to the service "MakAvto", you can eat in your own environment, out of noise.

As the saying goes: "You are what you eat"! The menu "McDonald's" presents useful dishes, cooked on the basis of chicken breast and fresh vegetables. For example, this is "Caesar Roll". Fans of fish will like the "Fille-o-Fish" or "Fish Roll". And the possible burgers are represented both with the beef component, and with the chicken. Bon Appetit!

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